Care 4 Kids

Family-owned & operated since 2002. Wow! 22+ Years. Thanks everyone! We provide general babysitting service as well as babysitting for weddings and corporate events. We also do dog-sitting, eldercare and care for special needs children if we have the right person on staff at the time. As parents…we understand the need for a sitter who will adapt to your parenting style in a short time frame, as well as keep the kids safe and entertained. As owners…we know our sitters very well and we personally choose who fits best with you based on the information you share with us. We check the sitter’s references to validate their experience with children and we work side by side with them on events when we get the chance. This helps us get to know them better and enables us to place them with families where their strengths will be most utilized. Our motto is “Every family deserves the right sitter for them, but not every sitter is right for every family.” You need to have peace of mind, and we do too! Our nationally background-checked, CPR-certified babysitters travel to your location. We do not have a drop-off facility. We look after ages newborn up, A.M. or P.M. starting at a four hour minimum per segment. See our hundreds of testimonials.